The rain has stopped, the sun has come out, and the Edinburgh Fringe is underway. Excitement ahoy. I arrived by the Hogwarts Express on Monday, went straight into my venue for a solid 5 hour tech run through. The lights look all fancy, the sound is nice, the set and stage looks pretty sexy, I think I have a show. I’ve done my big shop, the supermarket people have delivered it, I’ve written a list of things I don’t have in the flat for cooking (I like to cook, blame Australian Masterchef for that) and have asked the landlord if I can have them, oh and I’ve prepared a weeks worth of show props.
So now all I have to do is count down the hours to my first show, hope it’s okay, and hope people like it and tell their friends to. After the show I’ll be giving our badges as normal, I have 5000 this year in 12 different designs. I’m hoping people will collect them. They won’t. They’ll take one, put it in their pocket then bin it two days later. See. Told you I was a mind-reader.
Oh and in other news just before I stop typing and get some lunch. I’m not sure what to wear on my legs in Edinburgh this year. Should I go for a black jean, or a grey jean. Your thoughts would be kindly appreciated on how I can best hide my sparrow/skinny legs.
Chris x