Good morning/afternoon/evening (delete as appropriate)
So I write this, in bed, on Saturday morning before the Edinburgh adventure begins. Last night I had my last London preview at the always lovely Canal Café Theatre and I only went and sold the bloody thing out, not only that but there was a minor celebrity in the audience.
Alright, he’s my friend, but still, it created an extra buzz of magic as people went, is that that guy from that thing? Yes it is? Oh that must mean Chris is good then. Which I am. So horray all round. Also in a non-minor-celeb status I saw Mickey Rouke yesterday. He eyeballed me. I got scared and ran away like a little girly.
But back to the preview, it was a cracker. Finally down to time, huge fun all round, laughs in the right places, ooohhs, ahhhs and wows in the right place and everything worked. The joy of creating a show is that it is constantly evolving. I feel by the end of next weeks first lot of Edinburgh shows it’ll be a slicker, more amazing, more incredible beast of a show. Well I hope it will at least.
Last night I was the most nervous I’ve been before a show for a long while. Not only a sell out crowd, but also some very important people in, who hadn’t seen me before who I desperately wanted to like the show. They seemed to so that’s lovely.
I’ve also started to notice a weird thing. At the end I give people badges out of a hat, they are free and yours to keep. Some people seem to put money in the hat. I find this very weird and get all embarrassed when they do. If you’re coming don’t put money in the hat… take a badge and give me a smile. That’s all I want.
Right so time to get up and finish the Edinburgh packing, all the props go up later today then I will meet them on Tuesday morning after Monday nights overnight train to the big ‘Burgh. Wish me luck.
See you there,
Chris x