Hello one and all,
Yesterday was my day off, which meant I was finally given the chance to properly see shows. Prior to that I had a pretty mental weekend of knock out, sell out shows, fun drinking with friends and 5am bedtimes. Ah the life of a mind fiddler.
So what did I do with my day off I hear you cry? Well, I’ll tell you what I did. It was a good question ask. I started it by waking up. I shall now continue but with less detail. Met the rather fab Pete Firman to interview him for ThreeWeeks and then we went for a nice bit of lunch (smoked salmon bagel for me, chicken salad for him since you asked) I then attempted to see 3 different shows, all of which were sold out. So instead I had some tea and a nice cupcake with Philip Escoffy who like myself and Pete is doing an excellent show here. If you can only see one magic show this fringe see mine, if you can see two, see mine twice, if you can see three, see mine, and Pete’s and Philips.
I finally managed to get round to seeing one of my favourite acts, Pappys Fun Club. After clashing last year and not getting to see the show, last night I got to experience what is surely the most uplifting and joyous show in Edinburgh. Working beautifully in the huge Pleasance 1 the boys knocked my socks off. I also managed to head over to the Gilded Balloon. I took a punt on Princess Cabaret which was a hoot. A handful of Ozzie girls perform sketches and songs as Disney Princess in a show which worked wonderfully well, causes huge belly laughs and has heaps of talent on stage. Finally I rounded off my evening with a drink in the Loft Bar with the guys from Axis Of Awesome after I’d gone and seen their show. Last year they were a stand out highlight for me and they haven’t disappointed this year. Beautiful and funny songs, proper laugh out loud moments, and an update of the incredible 4 chord song. They’ve really stepped up to the mark after a very successful year last year and are doing another painfully good show. I can’t recommend the shows enough.
So now I have to do my show again tonight, very excited about getting back on stage with Mind Over Patter and doing my thing in The Hotel. See you there?
C x