Alright there? Chris Cox, the mind reader who can’t read minds here. I’m doing a show called ‘Control Freak’ and have cleverly combined the name of my show, along with the name of this newspaper to write about three things I’m going to control people to do this week. Hurrah.
1 Walk Quicker
The other day I had 15 minutes to get from The Pleasance to The Assembly Rooms. This is just about do-able. Until you hit Prince’s St where people walk far too slowly and often in large groups who like to stop. I urge you, if you see a skinny, slightly sweaty mind reader running to get somewhere, pick up the pace or move out of the way. I thank you.
2 Be More American
My audiences have been beautiful and lovely, but my shows are always really good if I have a State-side visitor in. Why? Well it’s because they whoop and hollah and cheer, and despite this being a little bit annoying, it does make for a rather fun and lively atmosphere. So Festival-goers, make the occasional ‘WOO!’ and brighten up your performer’s day. Oh. It should be said this kinda only works for the more light hearted show, don’t go doing it at some play about murder or something. You’ll look like a mental… And not in the good way.
3 Have a M&M fest
M&M, Mark and Minchin. I can not recommend Mark Watson and Tim Minchin’s shows highly enough this year, so go see them. Tim’s only on for a little bit and is once again being a devil with the piano, the songs and the lyrics that put other singers, both comedy and serious to shame. Mark is doing what he does best, being very funny indeed, being nice and friendly and making people laugh. Go spend an evening in the converted gym at the Pleasance and you won’t be disappointed.
Control Over.