May 20, 2012 Chris Cox

Dominion Post NZ – Fatal Distraction Review

From the moment I stepped into the venue and was handed a pen I knew this show was going to be full of audience participation. This was not traditional comedy where the comedian stands on stage with just a mic for company: This was a set, with props.

Chris Cox is the mind reader who can’t read minds. However, he does a good job of making me believe he can do just that. The lanky Brit bounces on stage, charms the crowd with his self-deprecating humour and soon you’re swept along on a baffling, but thoroughly enjoyable hour of entertainment.

He’s honest that he can’t actually read minds and uses techniques such as reading body language, word association, and you know those props on stage aren’t random, but his abilities are still, well, mind blowing.

The thread that runs through the show looks at the question, “What if?” giving it a structure with an unexpected poignancy.

There is comedy but the most interesting part is the audience participation – for the more timid out there he doesn’t humiliate – and how he manages to get people to scratch their heads and say out loud “What the…?”

Such as how did he know that man’s phone number? And how did he know this woman wanted him to break-dance? Be prepared to throw your thoughts at Cox and see what comes back.

If you’re looking to sit back and let some good old-fashioned comedy wash over you this probably isn’t the show for you. However, if you want to experience something extraordinarily unique, go see Cox.

Just be prepared to leave with one question echoing round your mind – how did he do that?

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